
So you have time for other things.

ComplianceDashboard makes employee benefits compliance simpler, 
giving you more time for the work you love.


Simplified guidance and tracking for federal and state laws.

Our compliance management and calendaring platform alleviates time consuming and labor intensive tasks that take time away from the core of your work.

Know your compliance obligations.

No two employers have the same compliance obligations, so every Dashboard is customized based on company and plan demographics.

Learn what you need to do, and how to get it done.

Action-oriented guidance breaks down how to comply with complex compliance tasks.

Kiss manual tracking goodbye.

Never miss an important deadline with proactive email notifications of your upcoming compliance tasks.

Stay organized and audit-ready.

Document all your hard work as you go by completing tasks, adding notes, and reporting on team collaboration.

Our Solutions

ComplianceDashboard is dedicated to giving you peace of mind when it comes to benefits compliance. Each of our solutions were developed to make compliance both easier to understand and easier to achieve.

Never miss a deadline with The Dashboard!

Our flagship solution keeps employers up to date with email reminders and a custom compliance calendar based on their company and health plan details. 

Covers both federal and state law.

HIPAA10 - ComplianceDashboard Solution Logo

HIPAA compliance in just 10 easy-to-follow steps! 

HIPAA10 provides:

  • Policy Templates and Guides
  • Employee Training
  • Risk Analysis Tools
  • And more!

Every MEWA is unique and so are their compliance obligations!

Combining our years of MEWA expertise with The Dashboard’s reminder system and calendar, MEWA Comply was created specifically for MEWA fiduciaries and their member organizations.

Better service starts here


To ensure you have time for other things.

We want to hear from you!

Send us a demo request, questions, or a note just to say hey and our team will get back to you in 1-2 business days.

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Compliance CAN be simpler.

Get started with ComplianceDashboard today!

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